Throughout 2022 Lyndale Secondary College has created a focus on Active Travel as part of our Active Schools’ program. This includes the introduction of the Ride2School Bike program facilitated by the Bicycle Network and Victorian State Government.
So far, all middle school students have undertaken bike education sessions in their PE classes. The Year 9 cohort have undertaken a Bike Education Ride Day on school grounds and soon the Year 9 girls will be undertaking a Mind, Body, Pedal incursion.
In consultation with students, an Active Travel Map was created and will be soon on display in our new middle school buildings.
To celebrate Active Travel and Ride2School Day, all staff and students will be encouraged to either cycle, scoot, skate, run or walk to school on Friday 28th October and Friday 18th November. Travel data will be recorded by students during Period 1 using a hands up survey to track the results.
Most excitingly, we will see our new bike shelter being installed in 2023 to further encourage all students to be active travellers to school.
David Ellison – VET/VCE Sport and Recreation, Physical & Outdoor Education