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Term 4 Week 6 News & Announcements

New Books for November

Dear students and staff,
Please see attached file for some of the latest books we have added to our library collection.  
These books will be on the New Books display stand, in the library for the month of November.
Kind regards
Library Team

 New Books November

Regional Sports Teams Term 4

Over the past few weeks we have had a number of our regional sporing teams head out to compete at the next level.

We are still yet to bring home a regional flag, however the number of regional tournaments we have progressed through to this year has greatly increased in comparison to the past 4 years. The hard work of of our students is definitely paying off!!

Congratulations to the following teams for representing the school at the regional level this term:
– Intermediate Boys Table Tennis
– Year 8 Boys Table Tennis
– Year 8 Boys Basketball
– Year 7 Boys Table Tennis
– Intermediate Boys Cricket
– Year 7 Boys Cricket

Year 10 Semester 2 Exam Timetable Published

Dear parents and students,
Attached below is a copy of the Year 10 Semester 2 Exam Timetable for 2022.

Year 10 Exam Student Schedule

A few important things to note:

  • Students are required to follow their regular timetabled classes during Week 6 in which their classroom teachers will be able to provide revision content for the upcoming exams. Revision opportunities have been made from available from Monday the 7th of November- Friday the 11th of November
  • NO REGULAR CLASSES WILL RUN during week 7, however, Year 10 students are expected to attend their scheduled Year 10 exams according to the exam timetable
  • Students are required to attend ALL scheduled exams. They are not optional.
  • Students completing a Year 11 exam will complete the year 11 exam as scheduled and negotiate a time with coordinators to complete the year 10 exam.
  • Please ensure students bring all the correct equipment to the designated exam – calculator, dictionary etc.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr Shane or myself via either of the below avenues:

PHONE: 9795 2366

Kind regards,
Dylan Mersin and Lyndon Shane
(Year 10 Coordinators)

Year 10 Outdoor Edu Surf Camp

Last week the Year 10 Outdoor Education class took part in a 3-day Aquatic Camp on Phillip Island learning about water safety, surfing, kayaking, risk management, and first aid. Even in some very wet and windy conditions, our students had an amazing time. Thank you to Mrs. Carmichael and Ms. Brown for attending and making the event so memorable for the students.