Student Leadership

At Lyndale Secondary College, we believe that every student has the potential to exercise leadership and cultivate change. The Lyndale community recognises the vital role of student leadership in developing the life of the community as well as offering students the opportunity to become life-long learners in this aspect of their lives.

Student leadership allows for the voice of the students to be heard and fosters a school environment that is comfortable and suited to the needs of its students. It facilitates a co-operative relationship between staff and students and enables all students to exercise their skills and build their confidence.

The purpose of the Lyndale Leadership program is to develop students’ leadership skills and encourage them to actively participate in the decision-making processes of the college. Another aim of the program is to build a positive climate of student engagement and wellbeing and to contribute to student leaders’ development of resilience and confidence so that they can adopt responsibilities as local, national and global citizens and exemplify the school’s motto of ‘strength, pride and success’

There are many and varied positions of leadership available to the students at Lyndale including: 

The prestigious positions of College and Middle School captain are the pinnacles of leadership at Lyndale, but roles such as Sports, House, Arts and Environment captain at both Senior and Junior level help to make up the student leadership team at Lyndale.

Leadership at Lyndale Secondary College is not an award, right, or title; it is a privilege. Students in positions of leadership abide by higher standards of conduct than other students. Students Leaders are role models for all students at school and, as such, the highest standards are to be expected.