Teacher recruits respond to calling | Dandenong Star Journal

By Cam Lucadou-Wells

A new crop of student teachers are bringing zest and unique skills to Lyndale Secondary College.

The four paid “paraprofessionals” have joined the Lyndale staff ranks while studying Masters-degrees in teaching at Deakin University.

Between them, they hold an array of qualifications such as radiation science, psychology and journalism.

It’s part of the State Government’s Innovative Initial Teacher Education (IITE) program, which aims to boost teacher numbers in outer-metro schools and priority subjects such as science and maths.

It offers student incentives like an accelerated 18-month teaching qualification, a teacher mentor at the school, lower course fees and a “teacher’s wage” while they study.

Lyndale Secondary principal Pam Robinson says the trainee teachers “re-energise” the school. It has also been rewarding to see existing staff mentor the recruits.

“They’re energetic, they’re enthusiastic, they want to work with kids and they’re committed to make a difference.

“The skill-sets they bring and the way they engage with the kids is phenomenal.”

To see the full article, visit https://dandenong.starcommunity.com.au/news/2022-08-07/teacher-recruits-respond-to-calling/